Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's for Supper? :(

One of my biggest downfalls is I hate to cook, hate it! hate it! I know that is not a good thing for a mother to say and worse than that I hate to go grocery shopping as well..I wish I wasn't this kind of women. I really would like to be the kind of wife(mom) who enjoyed chopping,dicing,baking,frying,boiling a big meal everynight(a regular Rachel Ray or Paula Deen), but alas this is not me, but today I've made up my mind. I'm going to surprise everyone by doing a major Grocery shopping trip at Walmart and then I'm going to keep my butt at home today (no pool, no Wiona) and actually COOK . Yep you heard it that nasty four letter word (that I try to never say). And I really mean really cook not throw some hotdogs in the microwave or a frozen pizza in the oven but make an actual meal meat, potatoes the works, heck I may even whip up a Desert! Wouldn't that surprise everyone! So farewell my loyal Fast Foods Resteraunts and Goodbye to my favorite Friends, Frozen T.V Dinners for today I will be another Emeril, Bam!!!!